Consigned by Edward C. Allred
Sorrel Colt, April 11, 2003
By FIRST DOWN EXPRESS si 107 (1990). Stakes winner of 4 races, $76,927, QHBC
Far West Classics D., etc. Sire of 107 starters, 81 ROM, with earnings of
$1,882,588, including THE A LIST si 98 (6 wins, $316,434, Ruidoso F.-G1, etc.),
EXPRESS KING si 97 ($183,514, Spencer Childers Ca. Brdrs.-RG2, etc.), ON
REFLECTION si 101 ($148,365, Jazzing Hi H., etc.), GUIRDYS PRIDE si 99
($92,823), KIPTYS FIRST DASH si 102 ($72,258), FEDEXER si 101 ($34,267), GW
JETTIN JORDAN si 99 ($30,484), KNOCKDOWN DASH si 104 ($22,032), etc.
1st Dam:
WILDISH si 88 (1988) by El Rey Burner. 3 wins to 4, $11,066. Dam of 10 foals of racing age,
7 starters, 6 winners, 7 ROM, including
Loon si 91 (g. by Raise A Secret). 5 wins to 5, $26,772, fnl. Gold Rush 870 D.�G3.
Sowing Oats si 92 (g. by Raise A Secret). 5 wins to 4, 2004, $22,095.
Wildly si 94 (f. by Raise A Secret). 2 wins to 3, $7,148.
EM Kay Trouble si 83 (f. by Raise A Secret). Placed 4 times to 4, $6,425.
2nd Dam:
WILD EXPECTATIONS si 84 (1983) by Pie In The Sky. Winner to 3, $3,225.. Dam of 12 foals
of racing age, 9 starters, 8 winners, 8 ROM, including
EXPECTING MIRACLES si 98 (g. by Raise A Secret). 7 wins to 3, $70,087, Vandy�s Flash
H., Chicks Beduino H., 2nd California Sires� Cup D.�RG2, 3rd Sgt Pepper Feature H.
Pick Sixer si 95 (g. by Bolger TB). $37,074, 3rd PCQHRA Brds. F.�G2, fnl. Los Alamitos D.�G1.
Sweep The Card si 92 (g. by Raise A Secret). 2 wins, $24,207, fnl. Gold Rush 870 D.�G3.
Seeking Magic si 86 (g. by Magical Mile TB). 2 wins, $14,528, fnl. Gold Rush 870 D.�G3.
3rd Dam:
Stoa Minga si 98 (1975) by Azure Te TB. 9 wins to 5, $189,639, 2nd HQHRA Ch., Miss Princess
Invt. H., Bay Meadows Inaugural H., 3rd Rainbow D., Las Damas H. Full�sister to
Champion AZURE THREE. Dam of 8 foals, 5 starters, 1 winner, 1 ROM, including
Stoas Orphan (f. by Raise A Secret). Unplaced in only start. Dam of
Adopted si 87 (f. by El Rey Burner). 3 wins to 3, $10,179. Dam of Gorsuch si 92
(Winner to 4, $22,424, fnl. Catalina D.-G3), etc.
4th Dam:
TRIPLE DEPTH si 95 (1967) by Three Chicks. Winner, $7,501. Dam of 12 ROM, including
AZURE THREE si 106 (c. by Azure Te TB). Two�Time Champion, 12 wins to 4, $209,356,
Los Alamitos D., Vessels M., Shue Fly H., 2nd Champion Of Champions, etc.
Stoa Minga si 98 (f. by Azure Te TB). Stakes placed, see above.
Exciteable Lady si 94 (f. by Special Effort). 3 wins, $46,396, 2nd Lubbock Downs Spr. F., etc.
Sondras Song si 89 (f. by Azure Te TB). Winner to 3, $5,525. Dam of
Jack Attack si 106 (g. by Easily Smashed). 8 wins, $37,295, 3rd El Camino Real H.�G3.
Black Denim si 92 (f. by Dash For Cash). Winner to 3, $4,563. Granddam of Dobos
Torte si 90 (2 wins, $36,194, 2nd Winner Maker Brdrs� F.�RG2, etc.), etc.
Lady Sweet Thing si 87 (f. by Azure Te TB). Placed twice to 3. Dam of
Hill Rise si 98 (g. by Moon Spot It). 4 wins, $33,352, 3rd Dunbar Oil Company F., etc.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� Futurity & Derby, Los Alamitos Million, Golden State
Million, Governor�s Cup, Ed Burke Memorial. Cal�Bred #204226
Hip 153 Hip 153
Dash For Cash si 114 First Down Dash si 105 First Prize Rose si 98
First Down Express si 107 Tripoli Jet si 91 Ettagos Express si 103 Ima Ettago
WILD EXPRESS Bugs Alive In 75 si 94 4442852 El Rey Burner si 98 Four Swings TB
Wildish si 88 Pie In The Sky si 101 Wild Expectations si 84 Stoa Minga si 98