Consigned by Vessels Stallion Farm, LLC.
Sorrel Filly, May 12, 2003
By Fishers Dash si 94 (1993). Stakes placed winner, $123,495, 2nd Governor�s Cup
F.-RG1, 3rd Governor�s Cup D.-RG1, fnl. All American F.-G1. Sire of 115 ROM, 10
stakes winners, with earnings of $3,187,740, including Champion DASHING
KNUD si 104 ($1,080,048, Los Alamitos Million F.-G1, etc.), PIVOTAL DECISION
si 106 ($630,639, Dash For Cash F.-G1, etc.), RONNIE JACE si 101 ($216,986,
Am. Airlines Challenge Ch.-G1, etc.), THRU REBAS EYES si 105 ($165,674),
MISTY GRAY MORN si 102 ($78,025), QUICK WILLY si 108 ($64,404), etc.
1st Dam:
Miss Attorney si 103 (1985) by Casady Casanova. 5 wins to 5, $54,563, 2nd Southern Belle Cl.,
fnl. Rainbow Silver Cup�G1. Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 6 starters, 4 ROM, including
Outlaw Attorney si 97 (c. by Dash For Cash). 6 wins, $29,487, fnl. Kansas D.�G2.
Judies Counselor si 88 (f. by Dash For Cash). Winner to 3, $3,379, fnl. Sooner Trailer
Texas Chal.�G3. Dam of
A Dash And A Streak si 96 (f. by Sixarun). 2 wins to 3, $16,292.
Dash Is A Streaker si 88 (f. by Streakin Six). 3 wins, $13,734, fnl. Cajun Kindergarten F.�G3.
Catherines Chic (f. by Special Effort). Winner to 3, $2,642. Dam of
Ought Chic si 91 (g. by Ought To Be First). 2 wins to 3, 2004, $8,846.
Mr Chic First si 90 (g. by Ought To Be First). 2 wins to 4, 2004, $7,669.
2nd Dam:
JULIES LADY LAWYER si 98 (1979) by Master Salls TB. 5 wins to 5, $54,526, Miss
Peninsula H. Dam of 7 foals, 5 starters, 5 ROM, including
Miss Attorney si 103 (f. by Casady Casanova). Stakes placed, see above.
Brookhill Master si 99 (g. by Casady Casanova). 2 wins, $10,011, 3rd Bardella H.�RG3, etc.
3rd Dam:
DUSKIE FLAME si 85 (1974) by Lady Bug�s Moon. Winner to 3, $4,404. Dam of 5 foals, 3
starters, 3 ROM, including
JULIES LADY LAWYER si 98 (f. by Master Salls TB). Stakes winner, see above.
Duskie Effort si 98 (g. by Gay Effort). 12 wins to 4, $28,828.
4th Dam:
MISS TOP FLAME si 100 (1962) by Top Deck TB. 24 wins, $60,928, Magic Empire Fall F.,
Rocky Mountain QHA D., Oklahoma D., Ozark QHA D., Jack Oakie S., Columbine
S., All Distance Champ Series #2, #3, #4, #5, etc. Ntr LAM 350 yds., Ntr OZD
400 yds. Dam of 10 foals, 8 starters, 5 ROM, including
Cherished Lady si 91 (f. by Easy Jet). 3 wins to 3, $27,016. Dam of
LIBERTY COIN si 101 (g. by Hempen TB). Champion Two�Year�Old Gelding, 5
wins in 7 starts, $291,799, Denim N Diamonds F.�G1, Ed Burke Memorial F.�G1.
Miss Patti Joyce si 81 (f. by Rocket Bar TB). Placed twice. Dam of
PJS Pistol Pete si 96 (g. by Tex Oh). $30,381, 2nd C E Willhite Memorial D.�G3, etc.
Miss Patti Chick si 101 (f. by Chick�s Etta Deck). 4 wins to 3, $8,917. Dam of REAL
EASY CHICK si 101 (5 wins, $258,318, Kindergarten F.�G1, etc.), etc.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� F. & D., Los Alamitos Million, Golden State Million.
Nominated: MBNA America Racing Challenge. Cal�Bred #204453
Hip 15 Hip 15
Dash For Cash si 114 First Down Dash si 105 First Prize Rose si 98
Fishers Dash si 94 *Beduino TB Fishers Favorite si 98 Ought To Go si 96
FISHING FOR TROUBLE Top Moon si 100 4470640 Casady Casanova si 96 Twayna si 95
Miss Attorney si 103 Master Salls TB Julies Lady Lawyer si 98 Duskie Flame si 85