Consigned by Burns Ranch, Agent
Bay Filly, March 19, 2003
By CORONA CZECH si 93 (1997). Stakes winner of 6 races, $125,759, Mr Jet
Moore H., 2nd El Primero Del Ano D.-G2, fnl. Kindergarten F.-G1, PCQHRA
Brdrs� F.-G1, Ed Burke Mem. F.-G1, Golden State F.-G1, Governor�s Cup D.-
RG1, PCQHRA Brdrs� D.-G2, etc. His first foals are two-year-olds of 2004,
sire of 4 ROM, including Corona Aztec si 88 (Winner, $5,200), Corona Road
Runner si 83 (Winner, $4,753), Coronas Way si 89 (Winner, $4,072), Run Away
Corona si 85 (Winner, $2,965), Fly Corona Fly (Placed, $2,293), etc.
1st Dam:
COUNTESS KITA si 105 (1994) by Count Giacomo TB. 8 wins to 4, $66,350, Land Run S.,
2nd Fair Meadows Juv. Ntr RP 330 yds. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam:
Kita Gray si 103 (1977) by Kitaman. 4 wins to 3, $8,635, 3rd Midway Winter D. Dam of 10
foals, 7 starters, 6 winners, 6 ROM, including
GRAY COUNT si 99 (g. by Count Giacomo TB). 17 wins to 4, $117,806, Oklahoma
D.�G3, Big Okie S., 2nd Hopes And Dreams D., 3rd Blue Ribbon F.�G2,
Shebester D.�G3, Heritage Place D.�RG2, Boomer Sooner Fall D., fnl. Heritage
Place F.�RG1. Oklahoma Hi�Pt Three�Year�Old Gelding.
COUNTESS KITA si 105 (f. by Count Giacomo TB). Stakes winner, see above.
Miss Gray Effort si 98 (f. by Moving Effort). 3 wins to 3, $27,407, fnl. Remington Park F.�G1.
Gray Countess si 94 (f. by Count Giacomo TB). 3 wins to 3, $10,607. Dam of
Countess I Am si 96 (f. by Jon Ian TB). 3 wins, $9,378, fnl. Hopes And Dreams F.�RG3.
Gray Giacomo si 86 (g. by Count Giacomo TB). 5 wins to 5, $6,345.
Easy Kita si 89 (f. by Mr Easy Charger). Winner to 3. Dam of
Bold Mr Kitaman si 96 (c. by Bold Episode). 4 wins to 5, $21,275.
3rd Dam:
LEO C�S SIS si 91 (1970) by Leo C Inman. 6 wins to 4, $16,692, Midway Winter F., 3rd
Blue Ribbon D. Dam of 15 foals, 13 starters, 8 winners, 9 ROM, including
COUNTESS EDITH si 102 (f. by Count Giacomo TB). 2 wins to 3, $35,833, Rocket Bar
F.�G3, fnl. Blue Ribbon D.�G3. Dam of
Countess Rare Bar si 98 (f. by Rare Bar). 3 wins, $21,174, 4th Pride Of Iowa S.�RG3.
Dash For Sis si 92 (g. by Bold Episode). 2 wins to 3, $14,760, 2nd OHA F.
Kita Gray si 103 (f. by Kitaman). Stakes placed, see above.
Sissys Bug si 116 (g. by Mr Hay Bug). 7 wins to 6, $24,770, fnl. Raton D. Ntr LAM 550 yds.
4th Dam:
GUTHRIE FAY (1960) by Clyde�s Hank. Unraced. Dam of 9 starters, 6 winners, 6 ROM, including
LEO C�S SIS si 91 (f. by Leo C Inman). Stakes winner, see above.
Guthrie�s Boy si 105 (g. by Wandering Boy TB). 14 wins, $20,300, 2nd Sugarite Canyon
H., Lake Maloya H., 3rd Raton D., Garfield Downs Sooner 660 S.
Guthries Bug si 101 (f. by Mr Hay Bug). 4 wins to 4, $19,503.
Regulus (f. by Leo C Inman). Unraced. Granddam of Sugs Valentine si 98 (5 wins to 5,
$10,371, 3rd Split And Get S.), etc.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� Futurity & Derby. Cal�Bred Eligible
Hip 194 Hip 194
Dash For Cash si 114 First Down Dash si 105 First Prize Rose si 98
Corona Czech si 93 Chicks Beduino si 104 Corona Chick si 113 Sizzling Lil si 91
NAME PENDING Pocket Ruler Count Giacomo TB Miss Windsor
Countess Kita si 105 Kitaman si 96 Kita Gray si 103 Leo C�s Sis si 91