Consigned by Burns Ranch, Agent for John C. Sperry
Gray Colt, February 4, 2003
By SEPARATIST si 101 (1997). Three-Time Champion, stakes winner of 16 races,
$889,044, Golden State D.-G1, PCQHRA Brdrs� D.-G2, Z Wayne Griffen Director�s
S.-G3, etc. His first foals are two-year-olds of 2004, the sire of 38 ROM, with
earnings of $297,451, including ARRIBA REBA si 94 (Winner, $50,417, West
Texas Juv. Invt.), Separate Rainbow si 89 (2 wins, $39,123, 3rd Heritage Place F.-
G1, etc.), Separatist Jr si 93 (Winner, $17,775, fnl. Kindergarten F.-G1), Hey Baby
Hey si 88 (2 wins, $12,209, fnl. Remington Park F.-G1), etc.
1st Dam:
DASHIN FLASHIN si 97 (1995) by The Signature. 3 wins to 3, $15,442. Dam of 1 foal of
racing age, 1 ROM, including
A Cashin si 92 (f. by Apollo TB). Placed 6 times to 3, $7,558.
2nd Dam:
WCR FIRST AND TEN si 91 (1989) by First Down Dash. 2 wins to 3, $2,579. Dam of 5 foals
of racing age, 4 starters, 4 winners, 4 ROM, including
Cee A Dash si 95 (g. by Chicks Beduino). 6 wins to 4, 2004, $48,334, 2nd Moss
Landing H., 4th California Brdrs� Sprint S.�RG3, fnl. Governor�s Cup D.�RG1,
Bayer Legend Calif. Chal.�G3.
Ceeceeduino si 93 (g. by Chicks Beduino). 3 wins to 4, $25,702.
Special To Cee si 90 (f. by Strawfly Special). 4 wins to 5, $23,805.
Dashin Flashin si 97 (f. by The Signature). Multiple winner, see above.
3rd Dam:
BANDAZEE si 84 (1982) by Band Of Azure. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $3,902. Dam of 7 foals,
6 starters, 5 winners, 6 ROM, including
WCR Bandazees Last si 91 (g. by Twaynas Dash). Winner at 2, $5,037, 2nd Great
Northern F.
WCR Uncle Sam si 91 (g. by Showum Jet). Winner to 3, $3,213, 3rd Bitterroot F.�RG3.
WCR First And Ten si 91 (f. by First Down Dash). Multiple winner, see above.
WCR Zee Jet si 87 (c. by Showum Jet). 3 wins at 2, $1,739.
4th Dam:
LOVE UNLIMITED (1974) by Tuff Boss. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, 3 ROM, including
I Love A Saint si 85 (f. by St Bar). 2 wins to 4, $7,150.
Bandazee si 84 (f. by Band Of Azure). Winner, see above.
Limited Love si 86 (f. by Beduino TB). Placed to 3. Dam of
Love A Casanova (g. by Casady Casanova). Placed twice at 2, $1,059.
Love Wins Easy si 87 (f. by Easy Sage). Placed once in 2 starts at 2, $1,049. Dam of
Tipper Z Wins (Placed twice at 2, $1,223), etc.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� Fut. & Derby, Los Alamitos Million, Golden State Million.
Nominated: MBNA America Racing Challenge. Cal�Bred #204220
Hip 200 Hip 200
*Beduino TB Chicks Beduino si 104 A Classy CHick si 89
Separatist si 101 Hempen TB Separate Ways si 92 Jet Together si 93
CASHIN BY DASHIN Noholme 2nd TB 4436925 The Signature si 107 Mable Chick Too si 95
Dashin Flashin si 97 First Down Dash si 105 WCR First And Ten si 91 Bandazee si 84