Consigned by Fakri Family Limited Partnership
Sorrel Filly, March 27, 2003
By Fishers Dash si 94 (1993). Stakes placed winner, $123,495, 2nd Governor�s Cup
F.-RG1, 3rd Governor�s Cup D.-RG1, fnl. All American F.-G1. Sire of 115 ROM, 10
stakes winners, with earnings of $3,187,740, including Champion DASHING
KNUD si 104 ($1,080,048, Los Alamitos Million F.-G1, etc.), PIVOTAL DECISION si
106 ($630,639, Dash For Cash F.-G1, etc.), RONNIE JACE si 101 ($216,986, Am.
Airlines Challenge Ch.-G1, etc.), THRU REBAS EYES si 105 ($165,674), MISTY
GRAY MORN si 102 ($78,025), QUICK WILLY si 108 ($64,404), etc.
1st Dam:
SPECIALENUFFTORUN (1987) by Special Effort. Placed to 3. Dam of 8 foals of racing age,
6 starters, 5 winners, 5 ROM, including
Enuffofasecret si 89 (c. by Raise A Secret). 2 wins to 4, $22,265.
Secret Specialist si 100 (g. by Raise A Secret). 4 wins, $20,085, fnl. Sooner Trailer Chal.�G3.
Enuffofher si 92 (f. by Pritzi Dash). Winner to 4, $18,517, fnl. Kindergarten F.�G1.
Enuffofhim si 90 (g. by Pritzi Dash). 2 wins to 3, $18,474.
Secretenufftorun si 94 (f. by Raise A Secret). 3 wins to 3, $9,635.
Wilcox Miss (f. by Raise A Secret). Unplaced in 2 starts. Earner of 17 open perf. points.
2nd Dam:
SMOOTHENUFFTORUN si 108 (1981) by Moon Lark. 17 wins, $154,064, New Mexico State Fair
H.�G3, St Nicholas Express H..�G3, Pocahontas H., C L Maddon�s Bright Eyes H.,
Maxie Anderson H., etc. Ntr PPM 350 yds. Dam of 2 foals, 1 winner, 1 ROM, including
Dash N Smooth si 98 (c. by Somekindadash). 2 wins to 3, $7,306.
3rd Dam:
SMOOTH COIN si 104 (1970) by Jet Smooth. Champion Three�Year�Old Filly, 22 wins to
4, $36,843, Gateway Downs D., NEKQHA D., Raton D., Narrow Gauge Downs D.,
etc. Ntr CEN 350 yds. Ntr GTW 350 yds. Dam of 5 starters, 3 ROM, including
SMOOTHENUFFTORUN si 108 (f. by Moon Lark). Stakes winner, see above.
VICTORY COIN si 106 (g. by Victory Dash). 10 wins, $68,522, Alameda H.�G3, 2nd
Cibola H., Manor Downs H., 3rd O B Cockerell H.�G2, fnl. Rainbow D.�G1, etc.
Smooth Summit (f. by Easy Jet). Unplaced to 3. Dam of
SUMMIT FLIGHT si 94 (f. by Go Flight). 7 wins, $32,310, Morro Bay H. Dam of ENJOY
THE MOMENT si 103 (6 wins, $98,120, Calif. Brdrs� Matron S.�RG3, Miss Princess
H.�G3, 2nd California Brdrs� Matron S.�RG3, etc.), Sky Signature si 95 (9 wins, $53,422),
Bonus Flight si 104 (6 wins, $40,335, fnl.�RG2), Dutch Coin si 89 ($17,475), etc.
Summit Dash si 102 (f. by Somekindadash). 4 wins to 3, $11,055, 3rd Pikes Peak D.
4th Dam:
SCOTCH COIN si 100 (1965) by Scottish. 13 wins to 3, $13,840, Uranium Downs F.,
Gateway Downs Spring D., etc. Dam of 10 foals, 7 starters, 5 ROM, including
SMOOTH COIN si 104 (f. by Jet Smooth). Champion, see above.
SCOTCH DOUBLE si 97 (f. by Double Dancer). $11,644, Narrow Gauge F., etc. Ntr 300 yds.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� F. & D., Los Alamitos Millioin, Golden State Million.
Nominated: MBNA America Racing Challenge. Cal�Bred #204536
Hip 110 Hip 110
Dash For Cash si 114 First Down Dash si 105 First Prize Rose si 98
Fishers Dash si 94 *Beduino TB Fishers Favorite si 98 Ought To Go si 96
DAKOTA FISH Raise Your Glass TB 4393671 Special Effort si 104 Go Effortlessly si 98
Specialenufftorun Moon Lark si 99 Smoothenufftorun si 108 Smooth Coin si 104