Consigned by Mark Goforth, Agent Joe & Jerri Muniz
Brown Mare, 1996
By AZURE ROCKET TE si 89 (1978). 2 wins to 4, $4,239. Sire of 23 starters, 13
winners, 14 ROM, including NATHANS ROCKET si 98 (4 wins, $73,297, Sparkling
Moolah H.�RG3, etc.), IM STEPPIN OUT si 103 (7 wins, $44,272, Santa Fe Downs
D.�RG3, etc.), Ride The Rocket si 98 (9 wins, $34,837, 2nd El Tesoro De Oro D.,
etc.), El Boracho si 100 (10 wins, $30,189), Miss Azure Rocket Te si 96 (6 wins,
$22,499), Totally Azure si 96 (3 wins to 4, $18,944, 4th New Mexico State Fair
Senorita F.�RG3, etc.), Azure Berry si 86 (Placed 4 times, $5,288), etc.
1st Dam:
TOTALLY A LADY TB (1983) by In Totality. 2 wins in 2 starts at 2, $2,280. Dam of 5 TB foals;
2 QH foals, 6 starters, 5 winners, including
Totally Native si 96 (f. by Beat A Native). 2 wins at 3, $22,949, 2nd Tall Cotton H., Real
Wind H., Lineage Ch., Pelican S., fnl. West Texas D.�G3, Santa Fe Downs D.�RG3.
Totally Rare TB (f. by Rare Performer). 7 wins to 6, $46,302. Dam of
Rare Pass TB (f. by South Pass). 3 wins to 5, 2004, $17,000.
Let The Lady Pass TB (f. by South Pass). Winner at 3, $9,620.
Total Fuel si 92 (g. by Oklahoma Fuel). Winner to 4, 2004, $7,723.
Totally Azure si 96 (f. by Azure Rocket Te). Multiple winner, see below.
Jeweled Mask (f. by Crowned Jewel). 2 wins at 3, $4,900.
2nd Dam:
UKELELE LADY (1976) by *Hawaii. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 8 TB foals, 5 starters, 4
winners, including
Ladies Ukelele (f. by In Totality). 2 wins at 3, $27,354, 3rd Heritage Place Oaks.
Heatson Tonight (g. by In Totality). Winner at 3, $6,066.
Anuinui (f. by Sunny South). Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of
JIM NUI (c. by Jim J). 7 wins to 4, $112,662, Crossroads H. Sire.
Jill Nui (f. by Gaelic Christian). 14 wins to 7, $58,523, 3rd Red Bud H. Dam of Pistol
Nui (3 wins to 5, 2004, $12,666), Tricky Nui (Placed to 4, $4,947), etc.
Jason Nui (c. by Bionic Light). Winner to 3, $5,832.
Inspector Nui (f. by Mr. Inspector). Unraced. Dam of Southern Inspector (3 wins,
$30,129), Southern Hussey (5 wins, $23,484), etc.
Ann South (f. by South Pass). Unplaced in only start. Dam of Bionic Ann (3 wins to 4,
$19,261), Southern Deuce (2 wins at 2, $9,052), etc.
Race Record: 3 wins, 1 second and 1 time third to 3, $18,944, fnl. New Mexico State Fair
Senorita F.�RG3, New Mexico Brdrs� D.�RG3.
Produce Record:
2001: Qual Com (c. by Mr Houston). Unraced.
2002: Ballistic Streak (c. by Streakin La Jolla). Unplaced in 2 starts at 2, 2004.
2003: A Royal For Sure (c. by Royal Always).
2004: Unnamed (f. by Im Dalaw).
Last bred April 24, 2004 and believed in foal to IM DALAW.
Hip 139 Hip 139
Nashville Azure Te TB Blue One
Azure Rocket Te si 89 Tiny Charger si 100 Ms Top Rockette Top Rockette si 101
TOTALLY AZURE si 96 In Reality 3960576 In Totality Dark Duet
Totally A Lady TB *Hawaii Ukelele Lady Curling Iron