Consigned by Tiscareno Quarter Horses
Bay Filly, March 7, 2003
By HEZ CLASS si 97 (1987). Stakes winners of 4 races, $174,684, Bay Meadows
F.�G1, Garden Gove H.-1st Div., 2nd El Primero Del Ano D.�G1, fnl. Laddie H.�G2,
Golden State D.�G1. Sire of 46 starters, 22 winners, 26 ROM, with earnings of
$313,333, including MY HEZ CLASSY si 111 ($40,594, Dan Lockie D., etc.),
EXTRAVAGANT CLASS si 102 ($21,543, Charlie Russell F.�G3, etc.), Classy Val si
103 ($53,452, 2nd Mayor�s Cup S.), Relates To Class si 99 ($18,267, 3rd Head Pin
H.), Dreams Of Class si 97 ($34,590, fnl. Ivan Ashment H.�RG3), etc.
1st Dam:
ELEGANT ILLUSIONS si 89 (1996) by Takin On The Cash. Placed at 2, $1,257. Dam of 1 foal of
racing age, 1 starter.
2nd Dam:
FUSION ILLUSION si 101 (1988) by Tolltac. 9 wins to 4, $108,118, Lowell Dillingham H., 2nd
PCQHRA Brdrs� D.�RG3, Marina Del Rey H., 3rd La Primera Del Ano D.�G1, QHBC
Sophomore Cl.�G2, 4th Bay Meadows F.�G1, Las Damas H.�G1, PCQHRA Brdrs�
F.�RG3, fnl. Golden State D., Governor�s Cup F.�RG2. California Hi�Pt
Three�Year�Old Filly. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, 6 starters, 5 ROM, including
Leaving Illusions si 95 (g. by Leaving Memories). Winner to 3, $10,944.
Illusions Of Fusion si 87 (c. by Takin On The Cash). Winner to 3, $5,678.
Vanishing Illusion si 89 (g. by Takin On The Cash). Placed 6 times to 4, $3,664.
Cherished Illusions si 81 (f. by Takin On The Cash). 1 win and twice placed in 4 starts, $1,717.
Elegant Illusions si 89 (f. by Takin On The Cash). See above.
3rd Dam:
SOMMERS TARLET si 92 (1981) by Kiptydoo TB. 7 wins to 4, $25,742. Dam of 10 foals of
racing age, 6 starters, 6 ROM, including
FUSION ILLUSION si 101 (f. by Tolltac). Stakes winner, see above.
BOBBY BEDUINO si 103 (c. by Chicks Beduino). 5 wins to 3, $69,425, Dash For Cash
D.�G1, 2nd First Down Dash H., 3rd Bobby Doyle H., Independence Day
H.�RG3, fnl. Los Alamitos D.�G1, Town Policy H.�G2, Bardella H.�RG3.
Starlets Secret si 99 (f. by Tolltac). Winner to 4, $28,482, Qlf. Dash For Cash D.�G1.
Brave Spirits si 91 (c. by A Classic Dash). Winner to 5, $8,879.
Band Of Stars si 83 (g. by Band Of Azure). Winner to 3, $3,932.
Doc Carl Wilson si 80 (c. by Merridoc). Placed 3 times to 6, $2,463.
4th Dam:
JAIME SOMMERS si 80 (1976) by Mr Charger. Winner to 3, $1,968. Dam of 9 foals, 6
starters, 3 winners, 3 ROM, including
Sommers Starlet si 92 (f. by Kiptydoo TB). Multiple winner, see above.
Sommers Ace si 101 (c. by Leinster House TB). 2 wins to 3, $5,681.
Copys Precious si 84 (f. by Duplicate Copy). Winner to 3, $4,058. Dam of
Smokey Precious (f. by Smokey Bandit). Earner of 11 open performance points.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� Futurity & Derby. Cal�Bred Eligible
Hip 220 Hip 220
Jet Deck si 100 Easy Jet si 100 Lena�s Bar si 95
Hez Class si 97 Azure Te TB Steppin For Te si 108 Lucky Stepper si 98
NAME PENDING Dash For Cash si 114 Takin On The Cash si 109 Take You On si 96
Elegant Illusions si 89 Tolltac si 113 Fusion Illusion si 101 Sommers Starlet si 92