Consigned by Frankie Wieland
Brown Colt, March 11, 2003
By SEPARATIST si 101 (1997). Three-Time Champion, stakes winner of 16 races,
$889,044, Golden State D.-G1, PCQHRA Brdrs� D.-G2, Z Wayne Griffen Director�s
S.-G3, etc. His first foals are two-year-olds of 2004, the sire of 38 ROM, with
earnings of $297,451, including ARRIBA REBA si 94 (Winner, $50,417, West
Texas Juv. Invt.), Separate Rainbow si 89 (2 wins, $39,123, 3rd Heritage Place F.-
G1, etc.), Hey Baby Hey si 88 (2 wins, $23,759, fnl. Remington Park F.-G1),
Separatist Jr si 93 (Winner, $17,775, fnl. Kindergarten F.-G1), etc.
1st Dam:
FOLS SNAZZYS GIRL si 97 (1986) by Fol�s Native TB. 2 wins to 3, $24,860, fnl. Denim N
Diamonds F.�G1, Los Alamitos D.�G1, Ed Burke Memorial F.�G1, Town Policy
H.�G2, Lassie H.�G2. Dam of 10 foals of racing age, 7 starters, 6 winners, including
Fols Runaway si 98 (g. by Runaway Winner). 5 wins to 4, $34,565, 3rd Joe Phelps H.
Rare Moment In Time si 96 (f. by Rare Form). 3 wins to 3, $31,435, 4th La Primera Del
Ano D.�G2. Dam of
Show Me The Chicks si 103 (g. by Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 3, $10,656, 3rd
Santa Cruz County D.
Takem To Task si 92 (f. by Takin On The Cash). 6 wins to 3, $22,629. Dam of
The Chocolate Rocket si 94 (g. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $34,660, fnl. Golden
State F.�G1, Southern California D.�G1.
Bud Sniffer si 88 (g. by Strawflyin Buds). 2 wins to 3, $12,625.
Chicks Fols Native si 96 (g. by Chicks Beduino). Winner to 4, $15,978, fnl. PCQHRA
Brdrs� D.�G2, California Sires� Cup D.�RG2, El Primero Del Ano D.�G2.
Chicks Love Me si 82 (g. by Chicks Beduino). Winner to 3, $7,714.
Meter Me Mighty (c. by Meter Me Gone). Winner to 4, 2004, $7,698.
2nd Dam:
SNAZZY CANDIDATE si 87 (1975) by Snazzy Man. Winner, $1,581. Dam of 5 ROM, including
Snazzy Gold Nuggett si 102 (f. by Digging For Gold). 13 wins, $41,307. Hi�Pt Claiming Horse.
Fols Snazzy Girl si 97 (f. by Fol�s Native). Multiple winner, see above.
Fols Tressie si 97 (f. by Fol�s Native TB). 3 wins to 3, $7,980. Dam of
Canucatcher si 96 (f. by Streakin Dash). 2 wins to 3, $7,122, 2nd Central Wyoming
Fair D., fnl. Silver Dollar D.�RG3.
Set On Gold si 102 (g. by Real Easy Jet). 5 wins, $23,900, fnl. Diamond Classic
F.�RG1, Silver Dollar F.�RG1.
3rd Dam:
BAR BELLA LEE (1962) by Sugar Midnight. Shown, point earner. Dam of 8 ROM, including
OLENES OSCAR si 107 (g. by Mr Olene). 16 wins, $35,289, J B�s Big Boy D., etc.
CANDI MAN si 105 (c. by Snazzy Man). 8 wins, $10,505, Colorado Brdrs� D., etc.
BARBELLAS BANDIT si 96 (g. by Mr Olene). 2 wins, $8,111, J B�s Big Boy F.
LEYBAN�S BELLA si 90 (f. by Sir Leyban). 6 wins to 3, $5,881, Colorado Brdrs� D., etc.
Embryo Transfer
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� Futurity & Derby. Cal�Bred #204162
Hip 235 Hip 235
*Beduino TB Chicks Beduino si 104 A Classy CHick si 89
Separatist si 101 Hempen TB Separate Ways si 92 Jet Together si 93
SIROPTIMIST Heisanative 4383499 Fol�s Native TB Long Chance
Fols Snazzys Girl si 97 Snazzy Man si 100 Snazzy Candidate si 87 Bar Bella Lee