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SiresSilent Auction - StallionsHorses

Consigned by Mark Goforth, Agent

Chestnut Filly, May 9, 2003

By RED TB (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races, $469,399, California Cup Sprint H.,

Graduation S., California Sires S., Zany Tactics S., 2nd Palos Verdes H.-G2,

Hollywood Juv. Champ. S.-G2, etc. Sire of 22 TB starters, 9 winners; 83 QH

starters, 59 ROM, with earnings of $1,038,221, including

GETMEOUTOFTHERED si 100 ($24,905, Alex Picov Mem. F., etc.), Xterra si

104 ($73,102, 2nd Santa Cruz Co. D., etc.), King Justin TB ($45,278, 3rd Palo

Verde H.), Red Spark TB ($43,897), Red Inx si 100 ($30,090), etc.

1st Dam:

GO FLO JO GO si 96 (1989) by Calyx. 5 wins to 6, $19,323. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 6

starters, 2 winners, 2 ROM, including

Go Go Woodstock si 83 (g. by Woodstock Brown). Winner to 5, $7,160.

A Go Go Dash si 92 (f. by A Classic Dash). Winner to 3, $2,436.

2nd Dam:

JOLDIE (1973) by Oldie TB. Winner to 3, $1,325. Dam of 10 foals, 9 winners, 9 ROM, including

JETLINER JOE si 110 (g. by A Zure Request). 9 wins, $137,298, Endurance H.�G3,

Pap H., Table Tennis H., Hillsdale H., 2nd War Chic H.�G3, San Jose H., Hillsdale

H., 3rd El Ocho Setenta H.�G3, War Chic H.�G3, QHBC Marathon Cl.�RG3, Bull

Rastus H., 4th Marathon H.�G2, Marathon Invt. H.�G2 (twice), Calyx Invt.

H.�G3, fnl. Endurance H.�G3, El Ocho Setenta H.�G3.

Wells Express si 92 (c. by Jet Commander). 7 wins to 7, $11,452.

Stinking Rich si 93 (g. by Timeto Thinkrich). 4 wins to 6, $21,794.

Go Flo Jo Go si 96 (f. by Calyx). Multiple winner, see above.

Joldies Request si 81 (f. by Easy Request). Placed 8 times to 3, $4,687.

Another Charger si 86 (g. by Jet Charger). 3 wins to 4, $4,174.

Sheza Rabbit si 84 (f. by Ya Got Trouble). Winner to 4, $3,935.

3rd Dam:

JOLEO MISS si 85 (1963) by Mora Leo. 4 wins to 4, $3,389. Dam of 6 foals, 4 winners, including

Go Jolie si 92 (f. by Go Clabber). 4 wins, $15,065. Dam of

Clabberation Moon si 96 (f. by Moon Spot It). 6 wins, $19,009, 3rd Black Gold 330 F.

Go By Jo si 91 (c. by Go Clabber). 5 wins to 5, $8,198. Earner of 66 open perf. points

Fighten Chic (g. by War Chic). 4 wins to 6, $5,329.

4th Dam:

TIMBER GIRL (1951) by Moral Victory TB. Unraced. Dam of 4 starters, 3 ROM, including

Pajaro Rockette si 85 (f. by Rocket Bar TB). 2 wins to 3, $2,357. Dam of

RULLETTA BARS si 94 (f. by Rulla Bux TB). 24 wins, $24,526, Indiana D.,

Bluegrass F., Indiana Owned D., Wabash Valley Downs D., Beulah 870 S., etc.

Dam of Miss Rulletta Moon si 92 (3 wins to 4, $4,262), etc.

Rockette�s Luck si 85 (f. by Golden Luck). 3 wins to 4, $4,353. Dam of Lucky Lion si 91 (22

wins, $70,459, 3rd Louisiana Brdrs� H.), Lucky Meyers si 91 (4 wins to 5, $5,853), etc.

ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� Futurity & Derby.

Nominated: MBNA America Racing Challenge. Cal�Bred #204127

Hip 246 Hip 246

Mr. Prospector Siyah Kalem Lady Graustark

Red TB Crimson Satan Satan�s Pride Autumn Pride

RED RIPPA Dash For Cash si 114 X0618013 Calyx si 117 Trippy Dip TB

Go Flo Jo Go si 96 Oldie TB Joldie Joleo Miss si 85