Consigned by Vessels Stallion Farm, LLC.
Brown Colt, February 15, 2003
By SEPARATIST si 101 (1997). Three-Time Champion, stakes winner of 16 races,
$889,044, Golden State D.-G1, PCQHRA Brdrs� D.-G2, Z Wayne Griffen Director�s
S.-G3, etc. His first foals are two-year-olds of 2004, the sire of 38 ROM, with
earnings of $297,451, including ARRIBA REBA si 94 (Winner, $50,417, West
Texas Juv. Invt.), Separate Rainbow si 89 (2 wins, $39,123, 3rd Heritage Place F.-
G1, etc.), Separatist Jr si 93 (Winner, $17,775, fnl. Kindergarten F.-G1), Hey Baby
Hey si 88 (2 wins, $12,209, fnl. Remington Park F.-G1), etc.
1st Dam:
MY COOL SIS si 102 (1991) by Rare Jet. 14 wins, $89,342, Fair Meadows Belles S., Big
Splash S., 2nd Red Earth H.�G3, 3rd Rocky Heinzig Memorial S., Big Splash S.,
fnl. Oklahoma D.�G2. Oklahoma Hi�Pt Aged Mare. Dam of 4 foals of racing age,
3 winners, 3 ROM, including
PURE D COOL si 104 (g. by Pure D Dash). 2 wins, $67,609, Avison H., 2nd MBNA America
Calif. Chal.�G2, Long Beach H., 3rd Z Wayne Griffin Director�s S.�G3, Holiday H., fnl.
Los Alamitos Invt. Ch.�G1, Golden State D.�G1, PCQHRA Brdrs� D.�G2.
My Cool Cleat si 96 (g. by Dashing Cleat). 9 wins to 7, 2004, $53,893.
One Cool Alibi si 91 (f. by Sir Alibi). Winner at 2, $7,850.
2nd Dam:
NATIVE PARR (1974) by Heisanative TB. Unraced. Dam of 8 winners, 9 ROM, including
REFRIGERATOR si 115 (g. by Rare Jet). Two�Time World Champion, Nine�Time
Champion, 22 wins, $2,126,309, All American F.�G1, Kansas D.�G1, Champion
Of Champions�G1 (3�times), Vessels M.�G1, World�s Championship Cl�G1, etc.
MY COOL SIS si 102 (f. by Rare Jet). 14 wins, $89,342, Fair Meadows Belles S., Big
Splash S., 2nd Red Earth H.�G3, 3rd Big Splash S., etc.
Native Gold Digger si 106 (g. by Digging For Gold). 8 wins to 8, $38,202, 3rd Fine
Loom H., fnl. Ruidoso 550 Ch.�G3.
Sheza Moon Native si 93 (f. by Moon Spot It). 3 wins to 3, $21,896, 3rd Blue Ribbon Cl.
My Native Sis si 101 (f. by Rare Jet). 2 wins to 3, $9,887, 3rd El Tesoro De Oro D., fnl.
Buttons And Bows S.�G3. Dam of
Duke City Dasher si 96 (g. by Royal Quick Dash). 2 wins to 3, $13,750, 3rd
Sundowner Trailer S.
Toms Native Lady (f. by Alamitos Tom). Unraced. Dam of
SV BLUE TORNADO si 96 (g. by Dashing Cleat). 9 wins, $177,467, El Primero Del Ano
D.�G2, Town Policy H., Evening Snow H., 3rd PCQHRA Brdrs� D.�G2, 4th Ed Burke
Memorial F.�G1, fnl. Golden State D.�G1, PCQHRA Brdrs� F.�G1, Los Alamitos D.�G1.
BLUE SHAQUILLE si 94 (g. by Cashing Cleat). 2 wins to 3, $11,475, Carmel H., fnl.
Gold Rush 870 D.�G3.
TOMBOY BULLIE si 94 (f. by Bully Bullion). 2 wins to 4, $10,013, Great Northern D.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� Futurity & Derby, All American Futurity, Los Alamitos
Million, Golden State Million.
Nominated: MBNA America Racing Challenge. Cal�Bred $204457
Hip 26 Hip 26
*Beduino TB Chicks Beduino si 104 A Classy CHick si 89
Separatist si 101 Hempen TB Separate Ways si 92 Jet Together si 93
SAME OLE GAME Fast Jet si 98 4471901 Rare Jet si 109 Rare View si 82
My Cool Sis si 102 Heisanative TB Native Parr Cack�s Bennie si 95