Consigned by Spencer L. Childers
Brown Mare, 1989
By SUMMUM BONUM (1984). Unraced or shown. Sire of 29 starters, 13 winners,
16 ROM, with earnings of $95,413, including SLC Babe si 94 (8 wins, $17,274),
Vae Victis si 98 (8 wins, $14,275), Dream A Dream Of Me si 101 (4 wins,
$13,676), Babys Windfall si 87 (4 wins, $8,252), Consultress si 96 (2 wins,
$6,935), Lovin Lib si 95 (3 wins, $6,660), Sum Promise si 87 (2 wins, $4,318),
Some Teaser si 94 (Winner, $3,797), Et Tu Brute (Winner, $3,424), AB Initio si 93
(Winner, $3,134), Nursely si 91 (Winner, $3,109), etc.
1st Dam:
STUFF OF DREAMS si 86 (1982) by Fast Jet. Placed. Dam of 12 starters, 10 ROM, including
JAZZING DREAMS si 97 (f. by Jazzing Hi). 6 wins to 3, $52,138, Debutante H., 4th
Golden State D.�G1, fnl. Southern Calif. D.�G1, etc. Dam of
WAR AND REMEMBRANCE si 103 (c. by Strawfly Special). 2 wins to 3, 2002,
$16,075, Scott Lewis H.
CHAMP STUFF si 84 (g. by Shirley�s Champion TB). 4 wins to 6, $15,663, Cypress 870 H.
Dreams Of Class si 97 (f. by Hez Class). 5 wins to 5, $34,590.
SLC Awaywego si 93 (g. by Raise A Secret). 7 wins to 5, $21,185.
2nd Dam:
BUNNY'S BAR MAID si 100 (1959) by Three Bars TB. Champion Two�Year�Old Filly,
6 wins to 3, $72,289, Kansas F., Juvenile Champ., 2nd All American F., etc. Dam
of 14 foals, 14 starters, 9 winners, 11 ROM, including
NUTHER BROTHER si 100 (c. by Go Man Go). 9 wins at 2, $86,831, PCQHRA F., etc.
FOUR FORTY KING si 100 (c. by Go Man Go). 4 wins, $17,794, Diamond Mae S., etc.
Four Forty Queen si 95 (f. by Go Man Go). 4 wins at 2, $23,916. Dam of
SIR RAMBLER si 104 (c. by Ettabo). 7 wins, $86,754, Fresno F. Ntr FNO 400 yds.
LADY WINSMORE si 91 (f. by Tiny Charger). 6 wins to 3, $41,537, Johny Dial S.,
2nd Los Alamitos Derby, etc. Dam of BLACK SABLE si 104 (Champion Three-
Year-Old Filly, 5 wins to 3, $271,592, Rainbow D�G1, etc.), etc.
Sir Diamonds si 90 (c. by Tiny Charger). 7 wins, $24,600, 3rd Moon Deck S.
Rare View si 82 (f. by Tiny Charger). Winner to 3, $1,195. Dam of JET VIEW si 104
(Champion Two-Year-Old Colt, 9 wins to 3, $328,627, El Primero Del Ano D.
etc.), Rare Jet si 109 (5 wins, $122,020, 2nd Valentine F., etc.), etc.
Pink Frost si 84 (f. by Duplicate Copy). Winner to 3, $2,536. Dam of
THE DEERSLAYER si 93 (g. by Reb�s Policy TB). 5 wins, $32,526, Billy Rydalch D.
Fast Frost (f. by Fast Jet). Unraced. Dam of Replacement Parts si 98 (2 wins,
$74,916, 3rd Rainbow F.�G1, fnl. Kansas F.�G1, Graham Farms F.�G2), etc.
Race Record: 4 wins, 5 seconds and 1 time third to 4, $13,676.
Produce Record:
1994: Jazzing Dream si 94 (g. by Jazzing Hi). 7 wins to 7, $33,940.
1999: Inspiring Jazz si 81 (c. by Jazzing Hi). Unplaced to 3, 2002.
2000: Hi Big Dreams si 83 (g. by Jazzing Hi). Unplaced in 2 starts at 2, 2002.
2001: My Secret Dreams (c. by Raise A Secret). Also Selling.
Bred and believed in foal to PRITZI DASH.
Cal�Bred #39683
Hip 101 Hip 101
Raise Your Glass TB Special Effort si 104 Go Effortlessly si 98
Summum Bonum Azure Te TB Stoa Minga si 98 Triple Depth si 95
DREAM A DREAM OF ME si 101 Jet Deck si 100 2841105 Fast Jet si 98 Miss Breeze Bar si 95
Stuff Of Dreams si 86 Three Bars TB Bunny�s Bar Maid si 100 Black Easter Bunny si 95