Consigned by Spencer L. Childers
Brown Filly, April 8, 2001
By MURRTHEBLURR TB (1977). Stakes winner, $255,110, Arizona F., etc. Sire of
246 ROM, 433 QH & TB winners, 40 stakes winners, with earnings of
$7,637,305, including BCR QUIZ THE BLURR si 112 ($189,240, Ponona 870
Invt. H.-G2, etc.), DANCIN AT THE WIRE TB ($186,618, City Of Phoenix H.),
BCR MY MAIN MAN si 102 ($167,577, Z Wayne Griffin Director�s S.), KATOON
TB ($148,730, Fast Hilarious S., etc.), BARSOTTI TB ($129,429, Idaho Cup D.,
etc.), CEE THE BLURR si 110 ($128,851), etc.
1st Dam:
WHISTLE CHASER si 83 (1993) by Jazzing Hi. Winner to 3, $5,409. Dam of 2 foals of racing
age, 1 starter, 1 winner, 1 ROM, including
Chase A Blurr si 89 (f. by Murrtheblurr TB). 3 wins to 3, 2002, $13,085.
2nd Dam:
VOLARE TWO si 93 (1984) by Fast Jet. Winner to 3, $6,283. Dam of 10 foals of racing age,
7 starters, 6 ROM, including
Polar Orbit si 82 (g. by Shirley�s Champion TB). 3 wins to 4, $11,394.
A Flyer si 84 (g. byt Jazzing Hi). Winner to 3, $6,487.
Whistle Chaser si 83 (f. by Jazzing Hi). Winner to 3, $5,409.
Polar Class si 86 (f. by Hez Class). Winner at 2, $4,082.
Tony Galento si 89 (c. by Raise A Secret). 2 wins at 2, $2,126.
3rd Dam:
AVIATE (1978) by Ettabo. Placed twice to 3. Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, 7 ROM, including
Volare Jet si 94 (f. by Fast Jet). 5 wins to 5, $17,252. Dam of
Triathlon si 94 (g. by Shirley�s Champion TB). 4 wins to 3, $20,914, 2nd Cypress S.,
Garden Grove S., 3rd Independence Day H.
Fly Away Jazz si 92 (f. by Jazzing Hi). 3 wins to 3, $21,549, 3rd Dixie Downs F.,
Central Wyoming Fair F.
Bahia Palmas si 94 (f. by Shirley�s Champion TB). 5 wins to 5, $15,709.
Volares Jazz si 86 (g. by Jazzing Hi). Winner to 4, $4,677.
Burning To Fly si 84 (f. by El Rey Burner). Winner to 3, $4,629. Dam of Zack
McWiggins si 96 (Winner at 2, $11,803, fnl. Kindergarten F.�G1), etc.
Localizer si 86 (c. by Shirley�s Champion TB). 3 wins to 6, $9,613.
Ms Q Margo si 92 (f. by Born To Rule). 2 wins to 4, $7,945.
4th Dam:
VOLARE SI 91 (1969) by Tiny Charger. 4 wins, $15,916. Dam of 4 foals, 3 ROM, including
Awinganda Prayer si 94 (g. by Shirley�s Champion TB). 6 wins to 9, $24,710.
Comefly si 90 (f. by Ettabo). Placed 3 times to 3, $2,237. Dam of
Cuchi Cuchi (f. by Born To Rule). Winner to 3, $1,473. Dam of Haida Chief si 96 (6
wins to 5, $18,177), Charros Champ si 99 (3 wins, $7,095), Cuchis Last Champ
si 88 (2 wins at 2, $5,893), etc.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� F. & D., Los Alamitos Million, Golden State F.
Nominated to: MBNAAmerica Racing Challenge.
Cal�Bred Eligible
Hip 119 Hip 119
Never Bend Torsion Fairway Fun
Murrtheblurr TB Cornish Prince Princeton Pride Style And Grace
WHISTLE FOE MURR Merridoc si 102 X592821 Jazzing Hi si 111 Anna Hi si 113
Whistle Chaser si 83 Fast Jet si 98 Volare Two si 93 Aviate