Consigned by Barney E. Leard, Jr.
Brown Colt, February 12, 2001
By APOLLO TB (1988). Stakes winner of 5 races, $354,475, San Rafael S., etc. Sire
of 60 TB starters, 36 winners; 66 QH starters, 32 ROM, with earnings of
$3,430,415, including Two-Time Champion OLD HABITS si 106 ($680,491, All
American D.-G1, etc.), HARVEST GIRL TB ($235,441, Pio Pico S., etc.), EMINENT
TB ($117,826, Hidden Light S., etc.), HEZA SAND TRAP si 99 ($98,488, Ca.
Brdrs� M.-RG3, etc.), APOLLITICIAN TB ($80,982, Mursery S.), WHITESNAPPER
TB ($76,700), APOLLOS TEN BEARS si 98 ($33,180), etc.
1st Dam:
MAGEL EASTER si 98 (1984) by Truly�s Easter. 14 wins to 9, $39,844. Dam of 5 foals of
racing age, 4 starters, 3 ROM, including
Kelseys Big Sister si 84 (f. by Barrymore). 3 wins to 5, 2002, $17,046.
Meter Me Margaret si 90 (f. by Meter Me Gone). Winner at 2, $8,079.
Carl Vinsen si 84 (f. by Barrymore). Unplaced to 4, $1,686.
2nd Dam:
CREMA GILL si 84 (1974) by La Crema TB. 2 wins to 5, $3,874. Dam of 12 foals, 4 starters,
2 ROM, including
Magel Easter si 98 (f. by Truly�s Easter). Multiple winner, see above.
More Crem Please si 82 (f. by Barrymore). Placed 3 times to 4, $1,562.
3rd Dam:
SAMPSON BAR GILL (1967) by Sampson Bar. Unplaced in 3 starts. Dam of 10 foals, 5
starters, 3 winners, 3 ROM, including
Savannah Gill si 89 (c. by Savannah Jr). 3 wins to 5, $5,724. Earner of 2 open performance
Crema Gill si 84 (f. by La Crema TB). Multiple winner, see above.
Sister Savannah si 96 (f. by Savannah Jr). 2 wins to 4, $3,802. Dam of
Savannah Truly si 94 (f. by Truly�s Easter). 5 wins to 7, $19,715.
Savannah Plunder (f. by Plunder Bay). Winner to 4, $1,080.
Illa Run (f. by Jetter). Unraced. Dam of
Ima Plunder Girl si 93 (f. by Plunder Bay). 3 wins to 7, $9,424.
Easters Run si 84 (f. by Truly�s Easter). Winner at 2, $2,120.
4th Dam:
MAGEL GILL (1957) by Pelican Gill. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 2 starters, 1 winner, 1 ROM,
Solid Rocket si 95 (c. by Rocket Bar TB). 8 wins to 5, $19,704, 2nd Mr Bar None S.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� Futurity & Derby, Governor�s Cup Futurity.
Nominated to: MBNAAmerica Racing Challenge.
Cal�Bred #202009
Hip 14 Hip 14
Lyphard Falstaff Ivorina
Apollo TB Tumble Wind Tumble Along Shine Quick
THE PAYMASTER JACK Truly Truckle TB X0596610 Truly�s Easter si 96 Nights Win si 95
Magel Easter si 98 La Crema TB Crema Gill si 84 Samson Bar Gill