Consigned by MJ Farms
Sorrel Filly, January 27, 2001
By PROUDEST EFFORT si 105 (1984). Stakes placed winner of 5 races, $46,691,
3rd Bay Meadows F.-G1. Sire of 402 ROM, 41 stakes winners, with earnings of
$4,288,331, including MAGNIFICENT EFFORT si 94 ($132,739, PCQHRA Brdrs�
F.-G1, etc.), MEGAARD si 104 ($118,880, Bitterroot F.-RG1, etc.), BR
PROUDEST VICTORY si 102 ($116,435, Utah Cl., etc.), BR FANTASY si 110
($106,173, Silver Dollar F.-RG1, etc.), PROUDEST DAYDREAM si 100 ($99,481,
Diamond Cl. F.-G1, etc.), DREAMIT si 101 ($98,725), etc.
1st Dam:
DASHING CADILLAC si 82 (1994) by Dashing Val. Winner to 3, $3,078. Dam of 2 foals of
racing age, including an unraced to date two�year�old.
2nd Dam:
CASADY CADILLAC si 80 (1988) by Casady Casanova. Winner at 2, $1,870. Dam of 4
foals, 2 starters, 2 winners, 2 ROM, including
Jeweled Dagger si 89 (f. by Streakin Jewel). Winner to 5, $10,010.
Dashing Cadillac si 82 (f. by Dashing Val). Winner, see above.
3rd Dam:
ONEOFMANY (1977) by Duplicate Copy. Unraced. Dam of 15 foals, 8 starters, 7 winners, 7
ROM, including
ONE TIME OVER si 103 (g. by Casady Casanova). 10 wins, $38,750, Santa Cuz
County D., 3rd Prescott Downs F.�G3, Navajo County F. Ntr MOF 400 yds.
Extra One si 92 (f. by Extra Easy). 2 wins to 3, $1,633.
One For Emmie si 105 (g. by Voom Voom). 11 wins to 10, $12,469.
One Royal Copy si 91 (g. by A Classic Dash). Winner to 3, $5,610.
Popular Casanova si 90 (g. by Casady Casanova). Winner to 5, $1,520. Earner of 15
open performance points.
4th Dam:
CHARM�S GOLD si 98 (1968) by Mobile�s Gold. 8 wins, $5,214, Spring Fever D., 2nd Intermountain
F. Ntr RFD 400 yds. Dam of 8 foals, 6 starters, 6 winners, 6 ROM, including
Charm Band si 106 (f. by Band Of Azure). 2 wins to 3, $7,569, 2nd Pocatello Downs Spring
F., Pocatello Futurity of Champions.
Charm Easy si 88 (g. by Lantys Easy Jet). 6 wins to 4, $15,163.
Alamitos Gold si 103 (c. by Alamitos Bar). 5 wins to 6, $2,836.
Charms Copy si 84 (f. by Jet Spice). 2 wins to 3, $1,416.
Moore Charm si 95 (f. by Mr Jet Moore). Winner to 3. Dam of
Moore Change si 90 (f. by Noble Pride). 3 wins to 4, $10,057.
Dusky Charm si 87 (f. by Trish�s Moon). Placed 5 times in 8 starts to 3, $2,360. Dam
of Charming Disco si 97 (Winner, $7,419), etc.
Sunny Charm si 91 (f. by Kaweah Sunrise). Winner to 3, $1,142. Dam of Proud Charmer si
93 (Placed twice in 2 starts, $2,835), BF Lucky Charm si 87 (2 wins to 4, $1,452), etc.
Native Windsong si 84 (f. by Native Tradition TB). Winner to 4, $1,053.
Extravanza si 98 (f. by Pivot Point). Winner at 2, $1,011.
Race Record: Unraced to date. (currently in training). Utah Bred
Hip 201 Hip 201
Raise Your Glass TB Special Effort si 104 Go Effortlessly si 98
Proudest Effort si 105 Duplicate Copy si 100 Winning Copy si 110 Little Emmy si 95
JANE DUNNIT Dash For Cash si 114 4089313 Dashing Val si 108 Audra Do si 101
Dashing Cadillac si 82 Casady Casanova si 96 Casady Cadillac si 80 Oneofmany