Consigned by Edward C. Allred
Gray Colt, January 1, 2003
By SEPARATIST si 101 (1997). Three-Time Champion, stakes winner of 16 races,
$889,044, Golden State D.-G1, PCQHRA Brdrs� D.-G2, Z Wayne Griffen Director�s
S.-G3, etc. His first foals are two-year-olds of 2004, the sire of 38 ROM, with
earnings of $297,451, including ARRIBA REBA si 94 (Winner, $50,417, West
Texas Juv. Invt.), Separate Rainbow si 89 (2 wins, $39,123, 3rd Heritage Place F.-
G1, etc.), Hey Baby Hey si 88 (2 wins, $23,759, fnl. Remington Park F.-G1),
Separatist Jr si 93 (Winner, $17,775, fnl. Kindergarten F.-G1), etc.
1st Dam:
SHEZA HARD COPY si 86 (1996) by The Signature. Unplaced. Dam of 3 foals of racing
age, 2 ROM, including
Hardly Secret si 82 (f. by Raise A Secret). Winner to 3, $8,102.
Copy A Secret si 81 (f. by Raise A Secret). Placed 3 times to 3, 2004, $5,735.
2nd Dam:
Justincopy si 100 (1980) by Father John TB. 2 wins to 3, $14,059, 2nd AQRA Lassie S., 3rd
Santa Cruz County F. Dam of 15 foals of racing age, 10 starters, 7 ROM, including
SHEZA FIRST DOWN si 90 (f. by First Down Dash). 7 wins to 3, $92,049, Los Alamitos
D.�G1, QHBC Freshman Cl.�G3, QHBC Far West Classics F., 2nd San Mateo
H., fnl. Ed Burke Memorial F.�G1, Champion Of Champions�G1.
JUST A WILDONE si 108 (f. by Three Oh�s Wild). 12 wins to 4, $53,284, Turf Paradise
D.�G3, AQRA Princess S., AQRA Lassie S., 2nd Prescott Downs D., 3rd Prescott
Downs F.�G3, Moore H., fnl. AQRA F.�RG3. Dam of
FAMOUS COPY si 92 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins and twice placed in 4 starts at 2,
2004, $42,160, New Mexican Spring Fling�RG3.
OUR MERINURSE si 97 (f. by Merridoc). 2 wins to 4, $27,833, Hualapai Downs F.
Copy Em Royal si 81 (f. by Royal Shake Em). $9,229, 3rd Kansas Jackpot Prep F.�RG3.
3rd Dam:
CAN�T COPY (1971) by Duplicate Copy. Winner in 2 starts. Dam of 6 foals, 5 ROM, including
FAST COPY si 103 (f. by Fast Jet). 7 wins, $37,194, AQRA Lassie S., etc. Dam of
HEZA FAST MAN si 111 (c. by The Signature). Champion Three�Year�Old Colt, 10
wins, $810,356, Texas Classic F.�G1, Vandy�s Flash H.�G3, Kevin Burns Memorial F.,
2nd All Americna F.�G1, All American D.�G1, etc. Ntr SAF 300 yds.
OURAUTOGRAPH si 103 (g. by The Signature). 13 wins, $301,634, Kindergarten
F.�G1, Laddie H.�G2, Sophomore H.�G2, Vandy�s Flash H.�G3, etc.
MISS STRIKIN JET si 94 (f. by Streakin Dash). 7 wins to 3, $100,479, Leo H.,
Debutante H., Kevin Burns Memorial F., 2nd Dash For Cash D.�G1, etc.
Shannasalibi si 99 (f. by Sir Alibi). 4 wins to 3, $13,534. Ntr SAF 300 yds. Dam of
KICKEN WEST si 104 (5 wins, $69,091, Phoenix F., etc. Ntr TUP 330 yds.),
LESSOR FLAMINGO si 97 (10 wins, $72,630, Phoenix F.�G3, etc.), etc.
Wernthmony si 93 (g. by Father John TB). 7 wins, $18,908, 3rd AQRA Laddie S.
ENGAGEMENTS: PCQHRA Breeders� Futurity & Derby, Los Alamitos Million, Golden State
Million, Governor�s Cup, Ed Burke Memorial. Cal�Bred #204249
Hip 100 Hip 100
*Beduino TB Chicks Beduino si 104 A Classy CHick si 89
Separatist si 101 Hempen TB Separate Ways si 92 Jet Together si 93
PUBLICIST Noholme 2nd TB 4446281 The Signature si 107 Mable Chick Too si 95
Sheza Hard Copy si 86 Father John TB Justincopy si 100 Can�t Copy si 81